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    sue 結果共14筆

  • Ko Wen-je to sue DPP spokesperson over party support claims

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je plans to file a lawsuit against Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Justin Wu after denying allegations of attempting to influence support for the legislative speaker candidate. Wu welcomes the legal action and calls for a clear courtroom discussion with all relevant communication records. The controversy arose after the election of the legislative speaker, with Kuomintang (KMT) members Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang securing victory. The TPP accused certain DPP members of negotiating with Ko for a reciprocal endorsement arrangement. Wu asserts that Ko proposed the arrangement, but the DPP did not accept it. Wu demands that Ko explain why he abstained from the second round of the speaker election and raises questions about transparency in the recent election.
    2024/02/02 11:58
  • Hou Yu-ih threatens legal action over smears by DPP

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih vows to sue those smearing his family over ongoing accusations about their real estate holdings. The DPP has targeted Hou’s family’s rental apartments and land case in Xinzhuang district, making it a focal point of the election campaign. Hou, a former criminal police, emphasizes his wife’s role in managing the home while he is away for work. He claims the apartments and land were inherited from his wife’s parental family. Hou condemns the DPP’s use of malicious language and views it as a violent electoral tactic. He expresses his outrage and announces his intention to use legal means to protect his family.
    2023/12/30 15:50
  • TPP’s Ko’s wife dares DPP to sue over Taipei Dome claims

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s wife, Peggy Chen, openly challenged the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on December 9th, expressing her willingness to face legal consequences if sued. Chen’s challenge followed her questioning the integrity of the Premier and the Minister of the Interior on Facebook, alleging their deliberate obstruction of the approval process for the Taipei Dome project during Ko’s tenure as Taipei City Mayor in October of the previous year. During an event in Taichung City’s Dali District, Chen boldly stated, "If the DPP wants to sue, then sue me!" She emphasized that her information came directly from Ko himself and assured that she had made efforts to verify the claims. When asked about the recent decline in Ko’s support according to polls, Chen simply responded, "Just keep working hard."
    2023/12/09 16:07
  • 美女主播「驚傳車禍」!5車連環撞 證實搶救不治

    慟別!主播、主持人懷利(Sue Wylie)驚傳噩耗,竟發生嚴重死亡車禍,5輛車全撞在一起,3人緊急送醫院搶救,而她經搶救不治。
    2023/10/26 14:43
  • 兩度動刀「鼻子歪掉」!美女KOL留永久疤 痛揭血淚史:假體穿出血

    中韓混血KOL Sue Chang(張厚耀)經常在社群分享時尚穿搭,家庭生活也處處充滿驚喜,帶著全家走遍世界各地。不過愛美的她,也難逃容貌焦慮的追殺,自曝曾兩度隆鼻,卻雙雙失敗,鼻子還一度歪掉,因此她決定分享這段血淚史,向準備隆鼻的人打預防針。
    2023/09/13 13:38
  • 金恩盃/台灣網球最強的時代!謝淑薇披台灣戰袍擊退新加坡

    2023金恩盃亞大二級賽事今(24)天於馬來西亞吉隆坡點燃戰火,這回台灣代表隊參賽名單包含李珮琪、盧曼琳、詹皓晴、詹詠然和謝淑薇,中華隊首日對上新加坡獲得壓倒性勝利,前兩點由詹皓晴對上Michelle YEO、李珮琪對上Sue Yan TAN,第三點雙打則由謝淑薇搭擋盧曼琳,全都直落二獲勝,中華隊3:0拿下3點。
    2023/07/24 18:10
  • 是真的!瑞士拍賣罕見霸王龍化石 售價上看2.6億

    繼「蘇」(Sue)和「史丹」(Stan)兩副暴龍化石出售後,瑞士蘇黎世近期也將迎來,第三副暴龍化石拍賣盛事。《路透》(Reuters)報導,這組被命名為「三位一體」(TRX-293 Trinity)的暴龍化石,高3.9公尺、全長約11.6公尺,是極少數允許私人收藏的恐龍化石,也是暴龍化石第一次在歐洲拍賣。外媒指出,負責拍賣的科勒公司(Koller Auktionen AG)表示,考量到這副化石的稀有性,最後落錘售價大概會介於500萬至800萬瑞士法郎(約新台幣1億6584萬至2億6534萬元)之間。
    2023/03/30 14:05
  • 經濟學人記者港簽被拒 北京否認香港國安法影響

    針對經濟學人(The Economist )駐香港記者黃淑琳(Sue-Lin Wong)續簽香港工作簽證被拒,中國外交部發言人趙立堅指香港國安法實施後,在港媒體享新聞自由,且當地外媒人數不減反增。
    2021/11/16 16:55
  • 大勝地主日本隊 美國女籃奪金締造奧運7連霸!

    實力堅強的美國女籃代表隊今天在東京奧運女子籃球決賽大勝地主日本隊,勇奪金牌,博德(Sue Bird)及桃樂西(DianaTaurasi)輝煌生涯錦上添花,奧運第5金落袋。
    2021/08/08 14:51
  • 後院種什麼都「枯萎死光」 警上門她才知恐怖真相

    英國1名51歲的女子布拉姆利(Sue Bramley),7年前與家人購買了1棟房子,起初一家人住得相當開心,但過了幾年他們突然發現1件詭異的事情,那就是無論在後院種什麼花,最後都會枯萎、死光,這讓布拉姆利非常疑惑,一直到某天警方找上門,布拉姆利一家人才得知背後隱藏的恐怖真相。
    2020/01/20 12:43
  • 21個孩子不夠!猛媽生第22胎 笑稱全家出門像打仗

    英國擁有最多孩子的家庭非雷福德夫婦(Noel Radford& Sue Radford)莫屬,他們現在已經擁有21個小孩,不過他們昨天(21日)開心宣布,第22個孩子即將出世!媽媽表示不論男孩或女孩她都喜歡,不過若是男孩這樣家中的男女生就是11:11。
    2019/10/22 15:40
  • 8旬老嫗緊抱太空夢 NASA耆宿不輕言退休

    1958年美國準備發射首枚衛星進入地球軌道時,芬利(Sue Finley)展開她在美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)噴射推進實驗室(JPL)的工作。
    2019/07/18 10:23
  • 87歲老婦自願捐大體 「剮成2.7萬片屍塊」貢獻醫學

    在許多信仰當中,相信人死後要留有全屍,但願意為醫學做出貢獻,不失為一種偉大!一名美國一名老婦波特(Sue Potter)2015年以87歲高齡去世,而她生前有個希望,就想為了醫學貢獻大體,自願讓研究人員剮成2.7萬片屍塊,紀錄下人體所有細節,幫助醫學研究。
    2018/12/19 13:50
  • 女人我最大/5/7觀眾有問題女人來解決-粉底篇

    觀眾(甜甜) 保濕化妝水:RMK 修黑眼圈:AYURA 觀眾(Amenily) 隔離霜:Lancome 眼部魔法棒:艾杜莎ettusais 珠光:歌劇魅影 粉底:Mack up forever (深) 蜜粉:RMK 觀眾(Sue) 眼部魔法棒:AYURA 遮眼袋:iPSA、RMK
    2006/05/10 17:42
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